Gamers have their own language and jargon. Regardless of your gaming skills, there are some words and abbreviations that one just got to know. In this thread, our community shared a concise guide on gaming lingo that will turn you from bot to pro in no time. No cap!
This Slogging thread by Mónica Freitas, Abeer, Jack Boreham, Limarc Ambalina, Sara Pinto, Teri Eyenike, Jose Hernandez and Allyson Blinkhorn occurred in slogging's official #gaming channel, and has been edited for readability.
Hey, gamers! 🎮 What are some gaming lingo and abbreviations everyone should know about?
Teach me your ways 🙏

Mónica Freitas, Here’s a classic: GG = Good Game. It’s both used in an honorable way (like a handshake after a sports match) or as an insult (sarcasm if one side did really bad).
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Hahaha, great topic. AFK- Away from Keyboard. Used to let your pals know you are not playing.
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Nerf/buff- game developers have increased the power/usability of something (buff) or decreased it (nerf).
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OP - overpowered;
Bot - you are so bad at the game you're like an NPC;
NPC - non-player character;
Cap - a lie. "that's a cap" means you're lying.
Bot - you are so bad at the game you're like an NPC;
NPC - non-player character;
Cap - a lie. "that's a cap" means you're lying.
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Mónica Freitas, Oh, I'm gonna follow this thread carefully, I've some learning to do. But I do know one: Easter Egg. Basically, it's a hidden message that can be in any form and anywhere in the game. The ones that I've found usually hint the next game.
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Teri Eyenike
Camping - When a player hangs around a location;
PK (Player Kill) - Killing a player-controlled character.
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NT= Nice Try;
LG= Last Game;
GLHF= Good luck have fun.
LG= Last Game;
GLHF= Good luck have fun.
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Allyson Blinkhorn
Bot is also used in League of Legends and other MOBAs as "bottom lane".
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Allyson Blinkhorn
"Carrying" is one I can think of -- someone is so good at the game that other teammates don't have to work as hard/aren't as noticeable (but it can also be an insult lol).
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I really like "carrying" my favorite joke to tell my teammates is "Hey guys I gotta go to the chiropractor tomorrow because I've been carrying you all this entire game".
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Limarc Ambalina, I'll be using bot in my everyday conversations, ahaha!
Sara Pinto, Easter eggs, a classic. You can find them in movies and books as well.
Allyson Blinkhorn, "carrying" is too good! I'll be using it from now on 😂
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Can you explain what "MOB" and "KDR" are? Limarc Ambalina, Jack Boreham, Allyson Blinkhorn
KDR I think is more commonly just "KD".
KDR stands for kill-to-death ratio. So normally we just say "What is your KD?" and it's assumed we mean the ratio.
So in a Call of Duty game if you get 10 kills/eliminations and die twice. Your KDR is 10/2 = 5.0
KDR stands for kill-to-death ratio. So normally we just say "What is your KD?" and it's assumed we mean the ratio.
So in a Call of Duty game if you get 10 kills/eliminations and die twice. Your KDR is 10/2 = 5.0
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Not sure about MOB 😄
A mob refers to any living and moving entity in a game. Like an NPC or player-controlled character.
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Limarc Ambalina, got it.
Jack Boreham ahn, got it! Thank you!
Teri Eyenike shared two links that might be useful for terminology beginners like me: