Movies are a great way to pass the time and clear one's head while appreciating art. It seems dazzling how individuals manage to come together and create such a complex art form that can drive us to our tears or laughter. And yet, with so many in the mix, it leaves us wondering: How is it possible no one saw that mistake? In this thread, our community shares a few plotholes and errors they've found in movies that left them shocked.
This Slogging thread by Mónica Freitas, Sara Pinto, Jack Boreham and Abeer occurred in slogging's official #pop-culture channel, and has been edited for readability.
Movies often overlook a few aspects of everyday life and leave us loopholes to fill. So what are some "mistakes" and"loopholes" you've seen in movies that made you do a double-take?
Mónica Freitas, so... In Cinderella, when the clock hits midnight, everything goes back to how it was, horses turn into mice, the carriage into a pumpkin, and the dress goes away. Then how come does the glass slipper remains untouched by this magic? I know it's a cartoon and magic and stuff but...
Sara Pinto, uh good one! A mistake indeed. The same goes for Rapunzel. If the prince got up the tower using her hair, how did she not fall or get injured? I'm assuming if someone decided to use my hair as a ladder, I would be that fabulous afterward.
Sara Pinto, this may be ridiculous but vampire movies never made sense. So, they lose it once they smell blood. Even the slightest drop. Aren't they around women? There's always a woman on her period somewhere. You couldn't possibly mingle with humans as a vampire.
Twilight, this is for you! 😂
Twilight, this is for you! 😂
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Mónica Freitas, magic works in mysterious ways, I guess. We just have to play along, haha.
Mónica Freitas, for me, Twilight was a flop from the point where vampires usually burn when exposed to the sun, and in the movie, they just sparkle... 😐
Sara Pinto, it was just a weirdly specific spell that removed everything but was too stressed over leaving Cinderella barefoot 😂
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Sara Pinto, why have a disco ball when you can have Edward Cullen? ahaha! I can get past that, regardless of how ridiculous it is. But no vampire movie/book has ever explained to me the "menstruation issue", ahaha!
Sara Pinto, another one - you've seen "what if," right? (spoiler alert!) In one of the episodes, Vision cuts Thanos in half, despite the infinity stones, ending his evil plans. So doesn't this new story invalidate Infinity War's plot?
Mónica Freitas, I'm a huge star wars fan sooo I notice plot holes all the time. Like why can't luke heal vader, ect.
You'll kill me again, but I haven't seen all the movies. Why should Luke be able to heal Vader?
Mónica Freitas, it's killing me more 😭😂
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Sooo he's a fully fl-fledged Jedi (space wizard) that should know how to force heal (like many Yoda and other weaker space wizards 😂), but instead, he lets his father die.
Mónica Freitas, about "What If?" I don't think it invalidates since there are so many universes. It's easier to explain and to pass by.
Jack Boreham, my apologies! I'll try to mend my ways.
Jack Boreham, love the space wizard description, ahaha. Maybe, just maybe, he has issues with his dad and he just didn't want to save him.
Sara Pinto, there are, but if Vision had that skill all along, it doesn't make sense to have a universe where he wouldn't use it to save himself and the world.
Mónica Freitas, maybe he just forgot? 😂
Sara Pinto, a machine...forgetting...inconceivable 😂
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Abeer, are you a Marvel fan?

Mónica Freitas, I’m a huge Marvel fan but I don’t have Disney+ (blasphemy, I know) so I’ve been late to all the marvel goodies on there. I just finished Loki like 2 weeks ago and all I can say is that it was amazing! I still have to watch “What If?”

Mónica Freitas, speaking of loopholes or mistakes, I had a huge issue with World War Z. I’m about to mention a huge spoiler so if you haven’t seen it, you should probably stop reading now (unless you don’t plan to watch it).
Near the end, the main character figures out that the zombies ignore sickly people because they’re too weak to infect. What makes me confused is how no one else managed to see that? How did all these scientists and geniuses around the world miss the obvious trend of all these terminally ill people just happening to be safe while everybody around them was killed?
Near the end, the main character figures out that the zombies ignore sickly people because they’re too weak to infect. What makes me confused is how no one else managed to see that? How did all these scientists and geniuses around the world miss the obvious trend of all these terminally ill people just happening to be safe while everybody around them was killed?
Abeer, I haven't seen Loki yet though I'm a bit overwhelmed - a lot of people have told me that they tried too hard to turn Loki into the good guy. But I do want to check it out for myself. "What if" is amazing. There are just two episodes that were a bit weird to me but overall it's a good show.
Abeer, zombies are not my thing so no harm no foul, ahahah.
That's a big one. So it went completely unexplained? Did it ruin the movie/show for you?
That's a big one. So it went completely unexplained? Did it ruin the movie/show for you?

Mónica Freitas, it sort of did, sort of didn’t. If I’m being honest, the movie wasn’t exactly the greatest but that “twist” at the end just seemed so dumb that it was hard to take anything after that seriously. I mean, I get that Brad Pitt’s character is the Protagonist but you’re telling me none of the billions of people noticed such an obvious trend before?
Abeer That shows that a great cast doesn't guarantee a great movie. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie "Don't look up", but I'm afraid the plot isn't good - the cast is chef's kiss though.